Here is all datasets currently on offer

We are adding more data sets as we go, we hope to cover the globe

Our datasets always contain at least one method to contact the lead. The sets are split into the following groups:
1) All records contain a phone number.
2) All records contain a e-mail address.
3) Contains all records with phone or e-mail details.


All records contain phones: 5404 records

All records contain e-mails: 1009496 records

All records contain phones or e-mails: 1011240 records


Per 100 Records


All records contain phones: 18865298 records

All records contain e-mails: 5025286 records

All records contain phones or e-mails: 19032825 records


Per 100 Records


All records contain phones: 402656 records

All records contain e-mails: 5117447 records

All records contain phones or e-mails: 5307896 records


Per 100 Records


All records contain phones: 365317 records

All records contain e-mails: 3216666 records

All records contain phones or e-mails: 3379990 records


Per 100 Records


From this link you can find all the USA States

Here you can either buy the entire set or choose states

All records contain phones or e-mails


Per 100 Records